Help is available!

Fortunately, there are a number of services available both privately as well as in the NHS. I work within both of these settings and constantly see the huge benefits ‘talking therapy’ can bring.  One of the main surprises to people can be the acknowledgement that not everything we think is true. We have absolutely no control over the next thought that’s going to appear, but for some reason, probably because we crave a sense of certainty, we can believe we are responsible for the thoughts we have.  In fact, our thoughts are automatic in nature, just like our breathing. Just as one breath follows another without any of our control so our thoughts operate in a very similar way. 

“You have really helped me see things differently which has made me feel so much better. Thank you Ian.”

S.F. (online patient)

“I didn’t know I was thinking and behaving in such an unhelpful way. Talking therapy has helped me make the changes I needed.”

B.T. (online patient)

“I knew it would take some time but it was worth it. You really helped me see the other side of how things can be. Thank you.”

A.Y. (online patient)



Amazing Results